Stuff I Make:
I Explore:
Other Junk:
ClassettaCheck for a quick demo. Part of being a programmer is knowing and working in many different languages. While most languages follow the same basic principals, their verbiage can vary. For example, to find the first instance of a sub-string … Continue reading [2009] carstocash.comI needed a car, but I didn’t exactly have a lot of fluid cash to spend. I came up with a plan. I noticed that a local used-car dealership didn’t have a website. Without asking I whipped up a demo … Continue reading [2008] lolfiction.comCheck out This was a major fun project. I had just finished my first full stack web project, and for the first time in my life I wrote PHP, MySQL, CSS, AJAX in addition to HTML. I was new to … Continue reading Garfield Comic GeneratorImportant: All the comic artwork below is not my property and is copyright by Paws, Inc. and Jim Davis. I do not claim any copyright what-so-ever, and only wrote the code to randomly assemble the art. Please visit and support the … Continue reading Captcha GameClick here to check out the project! Recaptcha used to be really cool. Not only was it the de facto standard for human verification on the web, but it also had a noble goal. Google, who was always thirsty for … Continue reading |