» Garfield Comic Generator

Important: All the comic artwork below is not my property and is copyright by Paws, Inc. and Jim Davis. I do not claim any copyright what-so-ever, and only wrote the code to randomly assemble the art.

Please visit http://garfield.com/ and support the artist in anyway you can.

Dear Paws, Inc. and Jim Davis, this is a fan project for the fans, thanks in advance for understanding!

Around maybe two or three years ago I discovered the pandyland.net random comic generator:


The comic has a pool of frames for positions 1, 2 and 3 and it will pick a random one for each. I fell in love with the concept, but didn’t have the time to draw hundreds of panels. Then an idea hit me: how awesome would it be to cut panels out of a real comic – say , Garfield – and recreate the code to assemble a random comic? A few hours of sweat later and I had a working prototype! (See below).

Just today, I discovered the Explosm random comic generator via a reddit.com thread:


Suddenly I remembered the Garfield generator I had made years ago and completely forgotten. So here it is, enjoy!

May 1, 2015 at 10:34 am

Randomly Generated Comic!

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